DATED: 19 DEC 2003
ISLAMABAD, Dec 18: A solo exhibition featuring the works of a National College of Arts graduate Salman lkram started at the Nomad Gallery here on Thursday evening.
The 43 exquisite pieces of ceramics put on display in the exhibition are varying in treatment and include from crystalline, blue matte and volcanic to crackle glazes. The pieces are fascinating and intriguing.
Salman has a passion for pottery and loves experimenting, which, for him is a never ending and soul stirring phenomena.
“I find the spontaneously formed cystal patterns in the glazes to be a never-ending source of delight. The unique, varied and often beautiful results are adequate reward for all the efforts involved,” Salman said.
He loves crystalline glazes and that abundantly reflects in his works put on display at the show. “I have tried many glazes across the years. However, nothing struck me like crystalline glazes,” he added.
“Working on a lump of clay swindling on top of the “Chaak” is a pure thrill to give a form and a shape evolving in mind to a lump of clay is pure bliss,” Salman said.
Salmans pottery is sensual, delicate, artistic and intriguing. He said all the pieces put up for the show were distinitly singular in character and moulded by hand.
“The whole process, from preparing the dough to the final firing at temperatures as high as 1,180 degrees centigrade, has its own thrill of accomplishment,” Salman said.
Salman had his first exhibition at the NCA Gallery while he was at the college. Then there was a gap of over a year. But he returned to the art scene with vigour as he held three shows, including a solo in the year 2000.